Revelation 7 seals 7 trumpets 7 last plagues

The book of Revelation is a considered a very intimidating book to be read for many people.  For some, it is considered undecipherable and therefore the book is not a part of their regular reading of the scriptures.  However, Revelation 1:3 says “blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein”.  It is therefore to be understood that this book is actually meant to be read and is decipherable.  God would not write an entire book of instructions and prophecies to his people and then urged us to read it if it was not able to be read and understood.  If you should read Revelation 1:3 meticulously however, you should observe that those who would be able to read and hear the prophecy, and do the things written therein, necessitates to being blessed already to be able to read and do the things in the prophecy, and not that there is a blessing for those who reads the book, which is often what is said by many people including pastors.  Without the Holy Spirit it is impossible to read and fully comprehend the book of Revelation as well as the rest of the bible (1st Corinthians chapter 2).

The Key

The key to unlocking the book of Revelation is found in chapter 1 verse 19.  In this verse the angel told John to write “the things that he had seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter”.  These are three specific categories of events which started from John’s time spent as a disciple of Jesus Christ and will culminate at the end of the human age.  ‘The things which are’ can be found in chapters 2 and 3, ‘the things which thou hast seen'(or witnessed – full account given in the book of John) can be found in chapter 12 and the things which must come hereafter are chapters 6-11, and chapters 13-20.  Chapters 6-11 and 13-20 contains the 7 seals, which also includes the 7 trumpets, which also includes the 7-last plagues.  The prophetic portion of the book begins in chapter 6 where John begins to detail what he saw as the lamb opens the seven seals.  These seals are not merely some form of apparatus wrapped around the book that the almighty God had in his hand (Revelation 5:1), but are representative of the sequences of events that must come to pass before that great day of judgement of all men that came into this world throughout history. This Lamb’s book of life which the almighty had in his hand contains only the names of men who remained faithful to Jesus Christ, and Jesus in return remains faithful to them, and thus did not remove their names from the book (Revelation 3:5, Revelation 20:15).  An invitation was thrown out to all men to be a part of the kingdom of heaven (John 3:16), hence the names of all men were initially written in the book of life.  Many people for diverse reasons forsook the invitation (Luke 14:15-24), hence their names were blotted out from the book.

Seals 1-4 – America in Prophecy

So now that we have established the purpose of the 7 seals, we can now begin to zoom in on them and how they have been playing out in the world and where the world is going from here.  Looking very diligently at the first four seals, it can be concluded, whether through an analysis of the passages, or through discernment, that these seals are about four individuals.  As you can see from the text, four distinctly colored horses went out and on these horses are men sitting on them.  The bible then gives snippets of the undertakings or pursuit of these men sitting on the horses.  It is also obvious that the actions of these men during their tenure of control affected the entire world.  The world as it is today, has a few world powers whose actions, whether deliberate or unintentional can have significant ramification throughout the world, but there is none more compelling than the United States of America.  We have surely seen over the last few decades how the political, economic or military decisions and actions that this country has made have affected entire world.  As they say “If America sneezes then the world gets the flu”.

The White Horse

Base on my understanding, which came about through drawing inference from studying the four horsemen individually and collectively, under the reign of the first horseman, the world saw relative peace and prosperity.  The bow that he had represents the power and strength that was at his disposal.  But the absence of an arrow in the passage indicates relative restraint in military endeavors.  This is not to say that wars were not present in the world but the state of world affairs were not dominated by military unrest.  Another interesting thing stated about the first horseman is that a crown was given to him.  Nobody is given a crown unless he has done a good job.  A lot of people when reading about the four horsemen sees the word ‘conquer’ and automatically assumes that this indicates war and expanding of territories, but conquering in today’s world could simply means the spreading of influence through diplomatic channels or even through economic sanctions.

The Red Horse

On the contrary, however, the bible explicitly states that the during the tenure of the second horseman, the influence of war and unrest were felt all over the world (Revelation 6:4).  It is said that peace was taken from the earth and a great sword was given to this horseman, but in comparing this horseman with the fourth horse man, both of whom it’s is clearly expressed that war and despair was/and will be the most influential aspect of their stint, we can see that the earth was still not thrown off its axis.  Additionally, based on what is outlined in regards to the third horseman, we can see that there were also economic issues around the world during the tenure of the second horseman.

The Black Horse

The third horseman seems to be a little bit peculiar compared to the other horses for a number of reasons.  All that was really said of this horseman is that he had a pair of balances in his hand.  This pair of balances indicates the prevailing conditions in the world during his tenure were economic issues.  The bible did not state in any way that these issues amounted to famine and wide spread starvation as we see stated in the fourth seal, but base on the utterance of the voice in the midst of the four beast we know that the third horseman had to take some corrective actions on matters related to the economy of the world.  Also, we see that the first horseman was given a crown, the second, power was given to him to take peace from the earth and the fourth, power was given him over the fourth part of the earth to kill, but the third horse man was not given any such power.  It’s seems as if the primary agenda afforded to him was on the economic front.

The Pale Horse

The fourth seal is really where the great tribulation begins.  The first three seals were periods of ups and downs in the world, periods of wars and then stabilization, economic crisis and then normalization, but when we got to the fourth horse man the world is never going to be the same again.  Here is where the disintegration of everything that the world was begins to take place.  We see drastic environmental changes ensued (sixth seal), drastic structural changes in systems of governance (the remaining seals are no longer associated with any individual or horseman), and widespread terror, pandemonium and death.  This fourth seal and the Fifth seal constitutes the ‘tribulation’ which Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24:6-13.  We know this because Jesus said in Matthew 24:29 that “immediately after the tribulation of those days the powers of heaven will be shakened”, this is the same thing that we see will occur in the sixth seal.

This is not Jacob’s time of trouble

This period of tribulation in the end times is different from the great tribulation (Matthew 24:21) which the Jewish people faced in the first century during the destruction of Jerusalem.  In the book of Luke chapter 21, there is no room for ambiguity as to whom the tribulation spoken of pertains to.  Luke 21:20-24 “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. 21. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into.  22. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.  23. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.  24. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”  In verse 23, Jesus was specific in saying that wrath would fall upon “this people”, referring to the Jews.  History also tells us that Jerusalem was destroyed and many Jews lost their lives, many were also led away captive to all the world.  And as it is said in verse 22, “For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled”, this was the fulfillment of the second half of Daniel 9:26 (Mark 13:14).  It is important that the tribulation that the Jews and the city of Jerusalem faced in the first century be not confused with the tribulation which is soon to come upon the world.

The tribulation associated with the fourth seal will be an unmistakable event in the world.  Revelation 6 verse 8 says that a quarter of the earth’s population will die from the various tragedies.  There is currently roughly 7.7 billion people living in the world right now.  A quarter of that is almost 2 billion people who will die during the fourth seal under the man sitting on the pale horse.  That amount of deaths is more people dying in a short space of time than the total amount of casualties of war throughout human history.  That is quite a scary thought and one would even wonder if that’s even possible.  But in today’s world, the prevalence of nuclear weapons makes it possible to destroy the entire earth in a few days.  In the space of a few months or a couple years the fourth seal could be a reality.

Who are these Horsemen

So, the question now is who are these four men sitting on the horses.  I am positive of the human identity of the four horsemen but I don’t not expect a single soul to believe my interpretation of these end times figures.  So, in order to keep the integrity of this expository, which I want as many people to read fully, I will leave the identity of those men until the end.  I want to let my interpretations and explanations of the book of Revelation do a job of convincing even just a single person maybe just to consider and take heed to my conclusions.  The only reason I am doing this expository writing is because I have seen that the world has been thoroughly deceived by the devil and his cunning perversion of the word of God.

The fifth seal

As I mentioned before, the remainder of seals after the first four seals are not focalized on any individual as is the first four seals.  It’s obvious that with wide scale destruction and death of billions of people around the world, the formalized systems of governance and government will not be as it was before.  Not that the nations will cease to exist but we already see all around the world that there are many countries struggling to form and maintain a government.

In following the sequence of end time events as outlined by Jesus in Matthew 24, and in particular verses 8 through 13, believers will be killed in the fifth seal.  As stated in verse 9 of Revelation 6, they will be “slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held”.  Now why will they be killed for the word of God and for the testimony which they held, and what is this testimony?  Well John himself was persecuted for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ which he held (Revelation 1:9).  We know that all the other disciples and Paul were persecuted and killed for the same reason why John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos.  We all know that the entire bible, old testament and new testament is the word of God, but in John’s time, there was no new testament, only the old testament.  Jesus said that the entire old testament spoke of him; who he is and what he would do when he made his visitation to earth.  So, in essence the “word of God” can be summarized as ‘Jesus came on the earth to die on the cross so that all man could live’.  That statement is a rather simple statement but if any human being believes that truth with all his heart then he is guaranteed eternal life.  That message was the simple message that the apostles preached when they went preaching the gospel in the world as it was then.  Read passages like 1 Corinthians 2:1-2, 1st John 5:9-12 and 1st Timothy 2:5-6 to see the simplicity of the word of God.  The irony of the simplicity which is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3) is that as simplistic as it is, men have rejected the message and have gone out of their way to prevent this message from being preach.  From the very moment that Jesus begun to preach forgiveness of sins man had rejected the message and ever since have persecuted many believers for receiving the message.  The reason for this is the same reason why Kane killed Abel.  It’s all due to pride and man doing things the way they choose to do it.  Kane did not want to perform the method that God prescribed, so not only did he go about establishing his own righteousness but he was angry at Abel for doing it the way that God told him to do it.  A couple thousands of years later, God again told the world the righteousness that he requires of man, which is humble yourself, repent and believe in his son.  That seems to be too much to ask for the majority of the world.

Its Prophecy

As you would imagine, with almost 2 billion people dead due to wars, hunger and pestilences, it’s going to be obvious that something highly unusually is going.  I believe that the believers in Christ will begin to attribute the devastation and destruction to the word of God, after all, all these things are written in the bible.  True believers will also present the world with their only option of making in out on the other side of glory.  The option: the ‘testimony of Jesus Christ’, which is believe in him and you shall be saved.  The world will again reject God’s provision as it has done from God created man on the earth and all people who profess Jesus Christ will be killed.  No one who will live beyond the fifth seal would have been a true believer.  Your faith as a believer will be tested and your only option is death.  So, to all those evangelicals who are waiting for “the rapture”, take heed.

Revelation 6:9 “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11. And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.”  The scripture could not be any clearer. People however are unwilling to accept the sufferings that are associated with being a believer, so they either abandon the faith or create their own reality.  There are endless scriptures which tells us what a believer must persevere to make it to glory.  Read the letters that Jesus wrote to the seven churches, and even while he was here on earth, in scriptures like Luke 9:23, John 15:18-24 and Luke 6:22, Jesus said that as believers we must face sufferings.  The apostles also reiterated this calling of suffering in their epistles to believers. In 2 Timothy 3:12 Paul said that “all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”  He did not say that some may suffer persecution, he said all will suffer persecution.  In the verses depicting what will happen in the fifth seal, notice that all the souls that John saw under the altar were slain, and not only that but the rest of souls that would later join them would also be killed as they were.  These remaining souls that will join them are those of the billions of people left on the earth after the fifth seal who will be killed for not accepting the mark of the beast.  I will expound on this later when I get to that part of the book.

Another thing I would like to make clear about the fifth seal is that the people who John saw under the alter were not saints with resurrected bodies but as he said he saw their souls under the alter.  The resurrection does not take place until the last thunder just before the millennial reign of Jesus on earth.

The sixth seal

The sixth seal marks the beginning of the Lambs wrath on men that are left on the earth.  As we saw in the fifth seal the saints crying to the lamb and asking him how long before he avenges their blood on them that dwell on the earth.  The avenging of their blood will begin to take place here.

The first 5 seals, and in particularly the fourth seal were really a proliferation of adversities that has befell man ever since God created man on the earth.  Men killing each other was from as early as the second generation of man on the earth.  Famines have been occurring throughout the ages leading to starvation and death of billions.  These things have pretty much become part of the earthly human experience.  However, in the seventh seal, the adversities that will come upon man on the earth will not be like anything the earth has ever experienced.  The lamb will begin to pour out his wrath on the earth, and to make that process even more effective according to all that he has in store for the earth, he will remove the layer of protection that God placed around the earth.  The atmosphere serves as a vital layer of protection for the earth, it prevents asteroids from falling onto the earth and also act as a shield for the extreme heat of the sun. The bible refers to the atmosphere as the heavens, and it states in verse 14 of Revelation 6 that the heavens will depart as scroll when it is rolled together.

Just for thoughts

Most people that read the bible have not been able to perceive that what we now know as the atmosphere was actually a body of water surrounding the earth.  In the Genesis chapter 1 in the creation, the bible states that God made a firmament and divided the waters which were above the firmament from the waters that were under the firmament.  I know that it might be difficult to actually grasp what that really looked like but it was just water above in the air, then space in the middle and then water on the earth.  Note in the passage that this took place before the dry land was created.  This water that was in the sky that surrounded the earth, and the heat of the sun above it was responsible for the mist that was on the face of the earth mentioned in Genesis chapter 2.  For 1600 hundred years of earth’s history this body of water was present above the earth until the flood in Noah’s days.  Most people thought that the rain in Noah’s flood came from clouds as is now typical, but it was actually this body of water in the firmament above that came down on the earth.  The bible states in Genesis chapter 7 that on the day the flood began the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the “windows of heaven were opened”.  This phenomenon was not rain from rain clouds but the down pouring the waters that was above the firmament.

The powers of heaven shaken

We know from the scriptures that all things are created and sustained by God, but in the sixth seal the natural processes that he has set in place for over six thousand years will be thrown out of whack.  Jesus said in Matthew 24 that ‘the powers of heaven will be shakened’, and that it will be.  Now we see even in Revelation chapter 7 the four angels are standing on the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth.  These four angels according to verse 2 of chapter 7 were given charge to hurt the earth and the sea.  The sixth seal will no doubt be a heart stopping experience for the men that will be dwelling on the earth at this time. They will no doubt instantly regret rejecting the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, and killing the saints of the living God.  Now the wrath of the lamb is upon them.  But there is still a glimmer of hope to make it to glory for an elected number of people.  They however will have to bear some extreme punishment and plagues before that opportunity is presented to them.

The hundred and forty four thousand

Roman’s 9:27 “Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of , a remnant shall be saved: 28. For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. 29. And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha.”  Though it is unimaginable and unfathomable, the bible makes it clear in numerous scriptures that only a small number of Jews will be saved.  We all have read the story Of Sodom and Gomorrah where Abraham negotiated with God not to destroy the city if there were at least ten righteous men in the city.  As we all know the city was destroyed because it lacked the ten righteous men which Abraham negotiated for.  For Isaiah the great prophet of the children of Israel to have likened the nation of Israel to Sodom and Gomorrah is almost an inconceivable thought.  Even though it’s sad and melancholy to know that the Jews who for a long time, were a chosen people of God, have rebelled against God to such an extent that only a remnant will be spared.  The bible makes it clear however that all people are subjected to the gospel.  There is no difference between Jew nor Gentile.  One of the most famous bible passages found in John 3 states that whoever believe in Jesus in not condemned but whoever believeth not is condemned already, because he believeth not in the name of the only son of God.  The Jews therefore because of unbelief have made themselves a condemned people.

The prodigal son

Most people who read the bible have not been able to perceive that the story of the prodigal son told be Jesus in the gospel of Luke is really not about the ‘prodigal son’ but is really about the elder son who refused to enter into the feast.  The story is really an allegorical representation of the relationship between God, the Jews, and Gentiles.  Both Jews and Gentiles came from one family.  We all are descendants of Adam, meaning we both were created by God.   We both being his creation means that he loves both of us equally.   But God, through his election, and not that any nation or person was deemed more worthy than any other(Roman’s 9:11),but through his wisdom, he intending to show his goodness and also his wrath chose the children of Israel to be his people for a purpose that was greater than them(Roman’s 9:22-24).  In fact, God told them the very moment when he chose them that he did not choose them because they were mightier than any other people, but because he loved them, and because he would keep the oath that he made with their fathers (Deuteronomy 7).  Their calling to be God’s chosen people was not particularly because of them and anything that they did but it was predetermined even before they were a nation.

My personal experience reading the Bible

I remember when I started to read the bible about four years ago and reached to the book of exodus.  It was a little discomforting reading some of the things that were written in regards to the Jews and the Egyptians.  I reasoned with myself, how is it that God is the creator of both the Jews and the Egyptians but somehow it seems he created the one nation evil and the other good?  How is it that he hardened the heart of Pharaoh?  Didn’t he create Pharaoh as well?  It didn’t take long however, for me to realize that it was not a matter of God creating one man for wrath and another for glory.  It may have appeared that way at a particular time but it was all a part of the big picture of salvation for all men.  Not just for the Jews but for Gentiles also.  I soon realized that even though God chose the Israelites to be a holy people, they were in no way more holy than any other people.  Throughout the bible it is shown that God tried with them numerous times for them to keep their covenant of holiness.  But it was not in them or any other nation for that matter to keep the law or to be ‘holy’.  The truth is all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and any man who comes to God must come to him with humility and with a poor and contrite spirit.

In Ephesians chapter two Paul also explained how the Gentiles who have been excluded from the promises and covenants of God and Israel have now been included in the family of God, or in the case of the younger son in the story of the prodigal son, have returned home to the father.  The Jews, just like the older son, both filled with jealousy, have refused to come into the celebration and feast.   This feast is representative of the marriage supper of the lamb which will be held in heaven.  The Jews have pretty much excluded themselves for this grand affair in heaven.  There are several other passages where Jesus himself made reference to this sad reality that the Jews through their pride and Jealousy have placed themselves in.  (Matthew 23:13, Matthew 8:10-12, Matthew 22:1-14)

Very small remnant

The hundred and forty-four thousand that will be sealed in Revelation chapter 7 is that very small remnant that Isaiah spoke about in the opening chapter of his book.  As we can see from reading the first five verses of Revelation 14, these hundred and forty-four thousand were not redeemed by the blood of the Lamb as all the other saints were, but were chosen by God according to his election of grace as first fruits to himself and to the Lamb.  Unlike the rest of Saints that were killed and were before the throne of God, they will remain on the earth but will be spared from torment and torture that the rest of men on the earth will be subjected to (Revelation 9:4).

The Seventh Seal

After the sealing of the hundred and forty-four thousand the Lamb will begin to pour out his wrath on the earth and on men.  The seventh seal is the time for judgement upon the earth and upon men.  All the haughty people in the world who have rejected the word of God have made themselves subjects of the ire of the Lamb.  It is absolutely ridiculous that a man could think that he is able to stand against God, and to not fear his words and his presence, but Jesus Christ will bring all things under subjection and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

The seventh seal is characterized by seven angels armed with seven trumpets.  The first four trumpets targeted all the natural resources that man have relied on for survival ever since the creation.  The first trumpet targeted the land, trees and green grass, the second angel targeted the seas, the third angel targeted the rivers and fresh waters of the earth and the fourth angel targeted the sun, moon and the stars.    The remaining three trumpets are for the sole purpose of tormenting and killing the men on the earth.  After the first four angels sounded their trumpets, John wrote that he “beheld an angel flying in the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice, woe woe woe to the inhabitants of the earth by reason of the three angels which are yet to sound their trumpets.”

The fifth trumpet – Five months of torment

The purpose of the fifth trumpet was to torment men five months, not to kill them but utterly torment them for the duration of five whole months.  It is said in this time that men will seek to end their own lives because of the torment they are enduring but the power of death will not be in their control, God again showing that he is the one who has the ultimate power over death and all things.  John was very descriptive about these locusts which came out of the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:7-10).  These sinister creatures which will be unleashed on men are controlled by the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name is Abaddon or Apollyon, they are not controlled by satan as some people would want to imagine, men at that point will be facing the wrath of the Lamb.  Satan has already done his job of deceiving the nations for over two thousand years up to the point of the fifth seal (Revelation 12:9).  His job was to use whatever method possible to cause man to not believe God and his promises.  But now, the torment and all that is happening to the earth and man from the beginning of the six seal are controlled by the Lamb and his angels.  Jesus told the parable of the sower wherein he spoke of all the devices presented by the devil to cause man to lose sight of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:18-23).

The sixth trumpet

Much activity will take place in the sixth trumpet.  This is the first time throughout the wrath of the Lamb so far where men will actually be killed by angels or angelic control creatures.  But there will also be one last chance of making it to glory for those men who will not be killed in this period.  Men who have rejected God’s gift of eternal through faith in Jesus Christ his son have made themselves out to be unprofitable and meaningless to themselves and to God.  Without accepting eternal life then your life spent on this earth would be for the sole purpose of dying. What other purpose could there be when we are guaranteed of death from the very moment we are born.  God showed us our worth to him when he sent his Son in the world to die and was then resurrected so we can know that we to can live forever and that our life is much more valuable than a short life on the earth and then we perish.  If, however a man does not deem himself worthy of eternal life then what else can God do but to destroy that unprofitable thing.  Believe it or not, the wrath of the Lamb will be an effort from God to try to salvage as many souls as he can for himself.  My reason for saying this is that the provision that will be made for the rest of men not killed by the army of horsemen in the sixth trumpet will cause many men to be saved that more than likely otherwise would have lived and died without accepting God’s gift of eternal life.

It is in the sixth trumpet that the two most anticipated end times event will take place.   It is in this trumpet that the mark of the beast will be introduced, which the Seventh Day Adventist who are woefully misguided claim is ‘Sunday worship’.  And it is in this trumpet that what would constitute ‘the rapture’ will occur.  The evangelicals are eagerly awaiting that moment when Jesus will come and remove ‘the church’ from the earth, but Jesus will not come to remove ‘the church’.  By the time the rapture will occur people who are true Christians would have already been killed from in the 5th seal.  Those who will be raptured are only those that will still be alive up to the sixth trumpet and did not take the mark of the beast as we see in Revelation 14:14 and Matthew 13:38-42.  Remember at this point at least half of the earth population are already dead, the heavens were already departed as a scroll and there will be destruction everywhere.  The rapture will be God’s last act of grace before every single human being on the earth will be killed and given to the fowls of the air (Revelation 19:21).

The sixth trumpet will also see another third of men killed(Revelation 9:13-21), but before the seventh angel will sound his trumpet, which is the trumpet of the wrath of God(different from the wrath of the Lamb), God will give man one last chance to choose him or choose the devil.  The zenith of which is either accepting the mark of the beast or not.  If someone accepts the mark of the beast, they are choosing the devil over God.  Choosing temporary relief over eternal life.  Loving this life over the next life.  Jesus said in John 12:25 “He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.” That statement is not only true for the time of the mark of the beast but has been the reality from when Jesus made the statement.  But the devil, through spiritual warfare has successfully tempted men to choose the things of this life rather than eternal life for over 2000 thousand years now. The entire world have gone seeking after the pleasures of this world and have thrown away their eternal inheritance.  Jesus also said in Matthew 19:29 “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”  Unfortunately, even those people who refer to themselves as believers and Christians have not taken this verse seriously, it is for this reason God will make it plain to mankind just before the seventh trumpet what they are really choosing.

The two Witnesses

God will again make his case of eternal life and his power over death to the rest of men that remains on the earth.  He will do this in the form of his two witnesses who will prophesy before every one on the earth (Revelation 10:11).  Revelation 10 and 11(excluding the first 2 verse of Revelation 11, and the last 5) are the two chapters which gives details of what God’s final provision will be and also a grim outlook of the events that will take place in the seventh trumpet.  What it will take for man to make it in heaven from here is for man to deny himself, and forsake the pleasures of his heart, the very same thing that Jesus said we must do to inherit eternal life over 2000 years ago.  For the three and a half years that the two prophets will prophesy, the options for men will either be one of faith and live eternally or one of instant gratification and then, as John said in chapter 10 sweet in thy mouth but instantly bitter to the belly.

For man shall not live by bread

On one hand the two witnesses will torment men with hunger and thirst to the point of death.  As Revelation 11 verse 6 said they have power to shut heaven that it does not rain, power over water to turn them to blood and power to smite the earth with plagues as often as they will.  But even though they have power to torment man to the point of death, Revelation 14 verse 13 says blessed are the dead which die in the name of the Lord from henceforth, meaning that they did not take the mark of the beast.  Not taking the mark of the beast means that you will not be able to buy food from the beast and will die of hunger.  In this period also will be the fulfilment of Matthew 24:11-14.

Hebrews 11:6

On the opposite side of the spectrum, man will also be given an option to eat and drink, and live by the beast that will ascend out of the bottomless pit (Revelation 17:8).  This mysterious beast (ruling power) will be in control of all commercial activities (Revelation chapter 18) during the 3 1/2-year period and will entice men with all its delectable goods.  But he will only do business with those whom have accepted his mark as a symbol of their allegiance.  This is the same beast that will make war with the Two Witnesses and kill them at the end of their prophecy (Revelation 11:7).   Man will also be force to worship the image of the beast which along with receiving his mark are a direct contradiction to the first, second and third angel messages(warnings) given in Revelation chapter 14.  So again the options for men during the 3 1/2 year period of prophesy are: 1.  As Revelation 14 verse 12 says – “here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God”, which in this case are the first and second angel messages of Revelation 14, “and have the faith of Jesus”, the faith of Jesus is eternal inheritance.  Essentially it is – deny yourself, deny your life and life forever.  That is true faith in a God.  He promised you eternal life if you believe him and God is not a man that he should lie 2.  The second option is be fearful of death and receive the mark of the beast and drink of the wine of the wrath of God (Revelation 14:10).

Then comes “The Rapture”

“The Rapture” will occur at a time when all men dwelling on the earth will either have the mark of the beast or not. The ones who do not have the mark of the beast will be escorted from the earth by Jesus sitting on a cloud and his angels(Matthew 24:30-31, Matthew 24:40-41, Revelation 14:14-16) and those who do have the mark of the beast will face the judgement of God which is the seventh trumpet or the seven last plagues(Revelation 15&16, 19:11-21).

Revelations 11 verses 1&2

If you should read assiduously the last three verses of Revelation 10 and then skip the first two verses of Revelation 11 and continue to read from verse three, you should observe that the motif of the last few verses of Revelation 10 is carried on starting from verse 3 of Revelation 11 but is totally eliminated from the first two verses of Revelation 11.  I do not have an explanation for this observation that I made during my study of the book but I do know that God has a reason for doing this and that Revelation 22 says do not take away or add any words to this book.  What appears to be an anomaly however do offer clarity on a frequently deliberated topic and also presents the opportunity for me to incorporate a perceived related end times topic in this expository of the book of Revelation.

Written before 70 A.D.

It has been long debated as to what time frame the book of Revelation was written in.  Most so-called scholars have dated the book to around 90 A.D. but based on what John wrote in Revelation 11 verse 1 and 2 we can know that the book was written before the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  What John wrote in these two verses is the fulfillment of Luke 21 verse 24 where Jesus prophesied of the demise of the Jews and the city of Jerusalem which was to come about four decades later.  John used future tense in documenting this event which indicates that the book of Revelation was written before 70 A.D. when the event actually took place.

Daniel 9 – No end time event

Most people who reads the bible have not been able to perceive that the prophecies in Daniel 9 have all been fulfilled in Jesus Christ.  There is a great myth in the church that goes beyond denominational lines about an end times anti-Christ figure who is supposed to usher in the tribulation period on the earth.  This idea is one of the greatest deceptions the devil has played on the world and it shows the susceptibility of people who rely on other people to read and interpret the bible for them.  The anti-Christ is simply a concept that is in people’s minds but not in the bible.  I will demonstrate to you the disparity of what has been taught by pastors, evangelists and so-called bible scholars and what is written in the bible.

In verse 24 of Daniel 9 the angel Gabriel informed Daniel of a time period in which a several things which he outlined should be accomplished.  The text goes as follows Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.”   Most people who read the bible are already aware of the one day is equivalent to a year principle as it relates to prophetic periods.  In applying this principle, the 70 weeks spoken of by Gabriel then works out to be 490 years in which all those things stated should be accomplished.  The issue that has the whole world misled or deceived is the starting period to count the 490 years.  I have listened to many radio ministries of churches that say they teach the bible word for word, scripture by scripture.  I have listened to many sermons, whether at church or on the Internet and I have come to the conclusion that if you are not being led by the Spirit of God when reading the bible then it doesn’t even make sense to read the bible.  You will only be led down a path of deception, misunderstandings and misinterpretation.  Reading the bible word for word, day after day, year after year without the Spirit will still only be an experience like reading a wizard of Oz story book and the true meaning of scriptures will not be revealed to you.

In Daniel 9 verse 25, Gabriel told Daniel that there would be a total of 483 years from the time that the decree was given to restore and build Jerusalem unto when the Messiah would appear.   Based on what I have heard over the years from teachers of the bible, the 483 years appears to be a variance from what the angel said in verse 24.  This has caused all different kind of theories and speculations to be borne out of this passage. They all say that there is a seven-year period of prophetic happenings that is yet to be fulfilled and which is going to occur in the end times. I have heard heresies of the actual word of God like the temple is going to be rebuilt and that the anti-Christ is going to desecrate the temple, and then destruction will come upon the earth.  But what appears to be a variance in the scriptures is actually a testimony to the accuracy of this prophecy.  Where almost every one errs is that they use the same starting point for the 483 years given as the same starting point of the 490 years.  That however is a misrepresentation of the word of God.

B.C 465

The starting point for the 490 years should actually be the year that Gabriel appeared to Daniel.  To find out the year that the angel appeared to Daniel we need to go back to the beginning of the chapter where Daniel started to write about the encounter with Gabriel.  According to Daniel the encounter took place in the first year of the reign of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes.  According to the text, Daniel was praying and making supplications to God and before he could finish making his supplications the man Gabriel appeared to him.   Gabriel then informed Daniel at that time, the first year of Darius, that 490 years are determined for the accomplishment of a number of important spiritual occurrences.  The first year of Darius reign which was BC465 was actually also the first year of Artaxerxes reign, who would make the decree 7 years later in BC457, Ezra 7 confirming this.  Darius was the eldest of Ahasuerus sons and ascended to his father’s thrown after he was murdered.  He was subsequently killed the same year by his brother, Artaxerxes, who took control of the kingdom. Source

All Seventy weeks Fulfilled

Seventy full weeks were actually accomplished in the fulfillment of the Daniel 9 prophecy, just as it has been understood that the 69 weeks were accomplished with the coming of the Messiah.  There is therefore no unfulfilled portion of the Daniel 9 prophecy and I’m sure this explanation of the Daniel 9 will certainly draw a lot scrutiny.  But I encourage everyone to recheck the scriptures, do the math and consult your encyclopedias if necessary and I hope that you accept God’s words for what it is and not what you want it to be.  God’s words are not dependent upon our interpretations to make it what it is or to make it true.  For this reason, we must humble ourselves and look to him to interpret the scriptures for us, or else what may appear to be a biblical fact could actually be a lie from the devil.  1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”

One week. 7 days not 7 years

One of the false narratives among the churches that have been borne out of the misinterpretation of Daniel 9 is that there is a prophetic week, using the same day for year principle that is yet to be fulfilled.  Daniel did mention a very important week in verse 27 and most people have sort to associate this week with the seven years they deemed unaccounted for from the 490 years.  However, the week that Daniel referred to is actually the week of the feast of unleavened bread.  It is an actual week, 7 days in which Jesus confirmed the Jeremiah 31:31-33 prophecies.  Take note of the language that Daniel used, he did not say that a covenant will be made, he said the covenant would be confirmed.  All readers of the bible should know that the covenant of the Messiah was promised to the children of Israel hundreds of years prior to Jesus fulfilling it.

Feast of unleavened bread

As we all know, all the ceremonies and festivals of the old testament were a shadow of things to come.  It is not by coincidence that Jesus death and resurrection took place in the week of the feast of unleavened bread as this week was also set aside by God hundreds of years before to fulfill his purposes.  Countless amount of prophecies was fulfilled in this week with each individual day having significance for specific prophecies.  On Sunday was fulfilled Zechariah 9 where Jesus rode into Jerusalem as king.    On the Wednesday, the middle of this week when Jesus was crucified, after he gave up the ghost and the veil of the temple was rented was Daniel’s prophecy in verse 27 fulfilled.  The renting of the veil of the temple signified the end of the Levitical era as it relates to man’s relationship with God.  After Jesus would be resurrected in a few days he would assume the role of both Priest and kings over the people of God.  There would be no longer any need for sacrifices and oblations, hence the temple became obsolete.  Daniel 9:27 is therefore not a futuristic event which will be done by some anti-Christ figure whom all Christians are anxiously awaiting.  That idea is simply a lie pushed by the devil over the centuries to distract the world from who they should really be aware of, who is ‘the man of sin’.

No third temple

Another false narrative that came out of the misinterpretation and misunderstanding of Daniel 9 is that a third temple will be built in Jerusalem.  The irony about that idea is that the very passage which is used to support the narrative has actually eliminated the possibility of the temple being rebuilt.

In verse 27 Daniel stated that after the sacrifices and oblations were made to cease by reason as I explained above, he also said that God would cause temple to be a desolation, even until the ‘consummation’.  That word consummation refers to the end of time.  What Daniel was therefore saying is that the temple will never be rebuilt.  Jeremiah also made this prophesy in Jeremiah 33:17-18 about the coming of the Messiah “For thus saith the Lord; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel; 18. Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually.”  Undoubtedly, the Jews not accepting Jesus and instead choosing to continue in the Levitical services were still offering meaningless sacrifices after the veil of the temple rented.  Isaiah also prophesied about this in Isaiah 66:3 “He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog’s neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine’s blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.” That prophecy is also the “over spreading of abominations” that Daniel spoke about in verse 27, and which is what caused God to allow the sanctuary and the city to be destroyed in 70 A.D.

Gods will, not man

Another reason why the temple will never be rebuilt is that from the very first temple in Moses days, it was never the self-will of any man to build the temple, but it was always God who chose who to build it.  If David, one of the most faithful servant of God, one of whom it is repeated on numerous occasions in the bible as being a man after God’s own heart, the one also whom the bible states that it is on his thrown that Jesus Christ is now sitting, if he could not build the sanctuary of God then it is ridiculous to think that God will allow a bunch of unrepentant Jews to rebuild the temple.

Check out my Daniel 70 weeks chart to view the correct depiction of the fulfilment of all the different time periods and individual prophecies in Daniel 9.

Revelation 12

Revelation 12 is a synopsis of the single most important event to have happen in the history of human existence.  It is a summary of the fulfilment of what is considered the mother of all prophecies in the bible.  It is a story of victory, a story of defeat, a story of birth and a new beginning, it is a story of warfare.  Revelation 12 may have been terribly misused by some churches to support their false doctrines but the passage from start to finish is beautifully written by John, the most creative writer in the bible, to show how Genesis 3:15-17 unfolded.

Revelation 12:1 “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:  2. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.  3. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.”  The woman that ‘appeared in heaven’ is no other than Mary the mother of Jesus.  If there are doubts in any body’s mind, then there are two ways to identify that this is Mary.

  1. The statement made about the woman being attired with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars actually speaks to Mary’s Jewish heritage.  In Genesis 37 when Joseph had the dream about the famine, he identified his father and mother as the sun and the moon, and his brothers as the stars.  This identification continued throughout the bible with the children of Israel reckoned as the stars of heaven (Nehemiah 9:23, Deuteronomy 28:62, 10:22, 1:9, Exodus 32:13, Genesis 26:4).  Galatians 4:4 also said “but when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.”  “Made under the law” is also a reference to Mary’s Jewish heritage as the covenant of the law was made with the Jews.  The phrases “under the law” and “stars of heaven” are phrases associated with the children of Israel.

2.  The second reason why the identity the woman John referenced as an actual female is in verse 5 – “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”  That is self-explanatory, we all know that child was Jesus.

The great Red dragon   

Verse 3 begins in a similar manner to verse 1 where john was referring to Mary.  “And there appeared another wonder in heaven”.  This type of language being used by John should not be interpreted as something being taken place up in heaven but rather something that is happening on earth is being observed from heaven as a great spectacle.   My reason for saying that is because Mary was not in heaven when Jesus was born but rather here on earth even though such language was used.  Having made that clear I guess it should be easier for you to understand that the great red dragon mentioned in verse 3 is not satan as many people assume but is the system of government that was in Israel at the time of Jesus birth and throughout his life on earth.  The depiction of a dragon in verse 3 is different from the depiction in verse 7 and 8.  Take note that the description given in verse 3 of the great red dragon is similar to that used to describe world empires stemming all the way back from Daniel the prophet’s time and even here in the book of Revelation.  In this case the world empire being described is the Roman Empire with the amount of horns and crowns given more than likely an indication to the particular emperor that was ruling at the time John was writing the book of Revelation.

Fulfillment of Psalms 2

I tried to go at length to explain the two wonders in verse 1 and 3 because due to people’s lack of understanding of the two wonders they have also terribly misinterpreted verse 4 of Revelation 12.  The first part of verse 4 states that “and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth”.  Most people who reads the bible have link verse 4 with verse 7 and have wrongfully concluded that both events are the same.  However, as I explained above verse 1-6 of Revelation 12 occurred here on earth, the details of which are recorded in Matthew 2.  ‘His tail’ refers to king Herod and the Roman leadership in Israel and the stars of heaven are the chief priests and scribes who conspired with Herod to have Jesus killed when he was born.  The children of Israel who were supposed to be eagerly awaiting the Messiah, instead performed a despicable act of plotting to have him killed as soon as he was born and subsequently his crucifixion.  Daniel also prophesied in Daniel chapter 8 verse 10-12 that the world empire that would come after Greece would “cast down some of the stars to the ground” and that the same empire would cast down the sanctuary. The apostles recognized this heinous act as the fulfilment of Psalms 2 and made the following statements in Acts chapter 4 verses 25-27. ” Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? 26 The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ. 27. For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together.”  Verse 6 where the woman is said to have fled into the wilderness for 1260 days is to be understood as that time recorded Matthew 2:13 when the angel appeared to Joseph and told him to take Mary and Jesus into Egypt.

War in heaven

It is a consensus among theological circles that satan deceived a third of the angels in heaven, but this is not a biblical fact, it is rather a misinterpretation of a passage in Revelation 12.  Satan do have angels, but the bible did not state what amount or portion of angels he has.  People have wrongly believed that the ‘stars of heaven’ in verse 4 refers to the angels in heaven, but angels are angels, and everywhere in the bible where angels are referred to, they are referred to as angels, not stars.  Take note in verse 7 and 8 where the bible is actually talking about angels it refers to them as angels.

Most people who reads the bible and in particularly Revelation 12, seems to be of the opinion that the war that took place in heaven mentioned in verse 7 and the event of satan being cast out of heaven took place at some time before time as it is known by human started, or before the creation.  This again shows how vital the Holy Spirit is when reading the bible.  Without the Holy Spirit you just cannot comprehend the things of God.  As Isaiah 1:18 says “come now, and let us reason together”.   The scripture clearly states that after the war and Satan was defeated, he was cast out of heaven into the earth.  It stands to reason that if he was cast out into the earth, then war and the casting out must have taken place at some point between the creation about six thousand years ago and when John was writing the book of Revelation.  Also, you would think that if this casting out of satan was done some time after God created the earth and placed man on it to occupy it, that such an event would be recorded in the bible.  And indeed, that event is recorded in the book of Luke chapter 10 verse 18-19.  “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. 19. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”  Jesus himself 2000 years ago saw satan falling from heaven when he was cast out.  As a matter of fact, Jesus also told the exact time that the war was started in heaven in Matthew chapter 11 verse 12.

The woman persecuted

In verse 13 of Revelation 12, the scripture says that “when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child”.  A lot of people, and most prominently, the Seventh Day Adventists has given this scripture a number of nonsensical interpretations.  The scripture however could not be any more straightforward and coherent.  As I previously explained, the woman who brought forth the man child is no other than Mary the mother of Jesus. The woman is not a church, the Jewish nation or anything else.  In the absence of any details recorded in any of the books of the new testament of how Mary was persecuted by satan, many so called bible scholars have terribly misquoted this passage.  The verse however is the fulfillment of the first sentence of Genesis 3:15 – “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

When Genesis 3:15 is read, most people including myself thought that the woman that God was talking about was Eve or maybe all women that would have ever lived, but Eve actually became a friend of the serpent and the enemy of God when she believed what the serpent had told her.  What God was actually saying is that he would put enmity between the serpent and Mary.  How I know this is because in the second sentence of Genesis 3:15, God said that he would also put enmity between the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed, that seed of the woman being Jesus.  Hence it is to be understood that the personage of “the woman” both in Genesis 3 and Revelation 12 is Mary and not Eve or any other woman, nor any church or nation.  I’m sure everyone can imagine why the serpent would want to persecute Mary the mother of the savior of the human race, the seed that would cause satan’s kingdom to be overthrown and cause the reconciliation of man back to God our creator.  After all she was the first believer in her son.  She knew who he was before even he was born.  She actually had a testimony which the devil would want to eradicate.

There are actually are a couple of scriptures that gives an indication of the type of persecution the devil may have thrown at Mary.  In John 8:41 the Jews tried to insult Jesus by suggesting that he was born of fornication, essentially accusing Mary of being immoral.  One could imagine the mockery and scorn that she faced when Jesus started to declare himself to be the Messiah.  The Jews ignoring Isaiah 7:14 definitely would have accused her of being a liar and having a devil just as they also accused her seed.  Another scripture that indicates that Mary suffered persecution is found in Luke chapter 2.  Simeon, described as a man on whom the Holy Ghost was upon, prophesied to Mary that the child Jesus “is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against”.  He also said to Mary that “a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

War with the Remnant

As I mentioned above, Eve became a friend of satan and an enemy to God when she believed the lie that satan told her.  Or in other words she became at war with God.  It’s for this reason when God came into the garden in the cool of the evening both Adam and Eve ran away from him, contrary to before they both sinned.  Eve, (Genesis 3:20) became the mother of all living and all her descendants also were at war with God.  Ephesians chapter 2 paints a very good picture of the condition of the human race before the cross.  Roman’s 5 verse 10 also tells us that before the cross men were enemies with God.  In Revelation 12 verse 17 the scripture says that the dragon went to make war with the ‘remnant’ of the woman’s seed.  This ‘remnant’ is simply anyone who believes in Jesus Christ.  1 John 5:1 says that “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and everyone that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.”  If you are born of God, then you are no more a child of the devil.  You are now reconciled to God and is now an enemy to the devil.  In John 12:44 Jesus said ” He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me”, John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

Salvation – What is it really

Your salvation is not about going to church on a weekly basis, keeping the law or the sabbath, or anything else that you can do in your flesh or earthly body.  The salvation of your soul which will happen in the resurrection comes only by believing God. The whole reason why salvation was needed for the human race was because Adam and Eve disbelieved God in the Garden of Eden.  Believing God, which is achieved by believing in Jesus Christ his son, make us friends with God, just as Abraham was called the friend of God for believing God in James 2:23.  Being friends with God therefore means that believers are at war with the devil.  Hence the enmity of Genesis 3:15, and the war that the serpent was/is raging in Revelations 12:17 is against all those who now believe God from the time redeemer came on the earth.

The problem with the church today

The problem with churches in this day and age is that the devil has cunningly devised a strategy to deceive people who say that they are believers to think that they actually have received their salvation the very moment accepted Jesus Christ, they then go on to pursue a religious experience to live out or to express their salvation.  But the salvation of your soul is by faith and has nothing to do with your experience on earth after you become saved.  To let the bible define what faith is, I rely on Hebrews 11:1 which says “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  “Faith” has become a lot of different things  these days, like what religion you are a part of or what denomination you align yourself with, but biblical “faith” is believing with all your heart that you have what God has promised you even though you have not seen it as yet, or even if you may die not receiving the promise.  Its knowing that God is not a man that he should lie and therefore you know for sure that what Jesus said in John 6:40 “And this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day”, he will deliver.  Paul said in Romans 8:24 ” For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?”. Whoever think that they are saved by going to church, keeping the sabbath or doing anything else are not really saved.  If you truly believe that you must do anything else other than believe in Jesus then your salvation will be coming from your own works which is contrary to Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9. Not of works, lest any man should boast”.

Every church is a catholic church

The truth is that every denomination of churches today are clones of the catholic Church, the mother of all deception.  All those churches that are referred to as protestant churches are no different in their influences on the belief of their members.  Both the catholic church and the protestant churches alike has led its members to believe that their invested membership or involvement in the various services, rituals, programs and formalities of the church is actually evidence of their salvation.  Regardless of the varying differences in tenets, doctrines, fundamental beliefs of all denomination of churches today, they all have been leading people astray.   When the word church was first used in the bible in Matthew 16 verse 18, Jesus did not use it to refer to a building where people meet to be Christians are to become Christians.  He used the term to refer to the collective group of people who will believe that he is the Son of God.  The requirements therefore to be a member of Jesus’s church is to believe that he is the Son of God.  You could therefore be a member of your local church for 50 years and have never been a member of God’s church.  If showing up to church on a weekly basis is all you did for the 50 years, but have never truly believed that Jesus is the Son of God, then you would been wasting your time.  You could be the lead singer, lead musician, head deacon of your local church but have never been added by Jesus to his church if you have never truly believed that he is the Son of God.

Its almost here

As I previously said near the beginning of this expository, I do not expect a single soul to believe anything that is written here.  However, I am writing this piece to put anyone who will read it on notice.  The world is currently in the 4th seal, and the things which are written about the 4th seal are imminent.  The current president of the United States of America is the 4th horseman of Revelation 6, the 3rd horseman was president Barack Obama, the 2nd horseman was George Bush and the 1st was Bill Clinton.  When you see the world begin to take a turn for the worst, have no doubts in your mind what is happening.  I do expect to be ridiculed and mocked for making these statements but in due time things will eventually become clear.  I also expect to gain a few enemies, even from people who once were friends, but the truth will always be an offence to those who are not children of God.  I must exhort you however to resort to the things which are written in this book if you want to make it to glory.  I will leave you with two of the verses written in the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  1. Revelation 1:3 “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”   2. Revelation 22:7 “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.”

1 thought on “Revelation 7 seals 7 trumpets 7 last plagues”

  1. Continue to serve God my friend and he will continue to fill you in order to educate others. God bless you.

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